Korg Echo SE-300 tape delay. Diagnostic was a lot of wow and flutter, coming from worn out parts. I ordered a complete echo set from echofix australia. They deliver high quality replacement parts for tape delays. While I am in here I checked the capacitors and found only one out of spec. Since the pcb was already in my hands I decided to replace all the caps on that specific board. I cleaned all the potentiometer, switches and jacks. And then I disassembled the motor. In my experience most of these old motors have old sticky grease inside and cleaning has improved the wow and flutter problem. While waiting for the new parts I cleaned the faceplate as well, just with a light dertergent. That also removed the sticker. Surprisingly this Korg had some of rust inside, but only on some spots. I de-rusted that with some ordinary de-ruster solutions and gave it a new protection. Then I discovered another problem. The springreverb was dampened by the housing, so I had to fix that to get the original sring reverb time. I measured the ohms of that spring just in case somebody needs the info. When parts arrived I replaced everything like the pinchroller and the felts. I demagnitized and polished the tapeheads, gave it a new tape and did some testing. To my very surprise this time one potentiometer wasn´t working. So I had to disassemble everything again to check that pot, which I could repair by bending the inside contacts juuuust a bit.
Here you go, all my pics are public, like always. Maybe it helps. Enjoy.