Repair LINN 9000 Vintage Drum Computer Drum Machine
Description coming soon…
A LINN 9000
drum machine / computer is such a nice piece of gear. But it´s also kind of complex.
Especially, when you have the Forat modification installed, like in this one
here. Usually the LINN9000 has 18 drum sounds, but you can load 4 individual
sounds into 4 pads by sampling or by disc. But never more. With the forat mod
you can load sounds into any of the 18 pads and they will stay there, even when
the unit was switched off and on again. The samples can be pitched, recorded
into a sequencer, edited etc. And the sound is such fantastic vintage vibe, I like!
This LINN 9000 was given to me in a bad-working condition. Also, the disc drive
was missing. The display sometimes faded away. Sounds horrible. Power supply
has been replaced before to a SMPS, so that was ok. Batteries were also ok.
What I found and what I did, roughly, more details later…:
1. Due to the Forat mod, transport, discharged batteries, whatever, the sounds
stored in the PADs ware scrambled. I deleted them, cleared memory and could
load a sound into one PAD. That`s good, because then you know a lot of the LINN
is/was working.
2. The reset circuit was faulty. That causes the LINN to crash down, start over,
or not start correct.
3. Not all instruments were playing due to a damaged ribbon cable.
4. Display ribbon cable was also damaged.
5. Some ICs on the mainboard were faulty.
6. Disc Drive replaced by a HxC