I bought this Ensoniq Mirage quite cheap so I decided to do a full restoration. The main problem was, that the sampler did not boot. This fault was easy to fix. The OS eprom socket was weak and I cleaned the socket, solder joints and the eprom itself. After it came back to life I decided to give all connection a fresh, new solder. I changed all tactile switches. Cleaned the fader (desolder,open,ipa,close,solder). Cleaned the floppy but added a HxC meanwhile (which btw makes much more fun). Cleaned the keyboard and last but not least I changed a few electrolytics in the sampling path, since the mirage recorded some extreme noise and crackle. One the one hand it made it even more sound like 8bit. On the other hand, this was just unwanted. Now its in good condition, ready to rumble. Here are some pics for you.