Akai S1100 Sampler Repair Service. The sampler had a defective floppy disk drive. A Gotek was temporarily installed, but I should try to bring one of the three floppy drives that came with it back to life. In addition, the internal SCSI hard drive was defective. This was replaced with a used, still working one. Nothing should be done on the display. My tip here is to swap the display for a modern one, not least because the inverter is causing issues into the headphone output.
The floppy disk drive had a blown component. I didn't have a circuit diagram at hand. However, due to the situation, it appeared to be a ceramic capacitor. The electrolytic capacitors around this capacitor didn't look good either. The short circuit had also burned through a conductor. I replaced these as well as the components mentioned and lo and behold, the floppy disk drive worked again.